

 An eBook, also known as an eBook or eBook, is a book publication that is delivered in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and can be read on the flat screen of computers. or devices. [1] Although it is sometimes defined as an "electronic copy of a printed book" [2], some electronic books are available free in print. E-books can be read on dedicated e-readers, but also on any computer with a controllable screen, including desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

During the first decade of the 21st century, there was a tendency for print and e-book sales to shift to the internet, [citation needed] as readers purchased traditional paper and e-books from websites using digital media. electronic commerce systems. With printed books, readers increasingly browse the book cover images on publisher websites or bookstores and select and order titles online; Then, the paper books are delivered to the reader by courier or other delivery service. With e-books, users can browse the titles online, and then when choosing and ordering the titles, the e-book can be sent to them on the internet or the user can download the e-book. [3] In early 2010, e-books began to outperform hardback books with a total number of publications in the United States [4]

The main reasons people buy eBooks are probably lower prices, greater convenience (since they can buy at home or on the go with mobile devices), and a greater selection of titles. [5] With e-books, "e-bookmarks facilitate the SEO process and e-book readers can allow the user to pause pages." [6] "Although fiction and non-fiction books come in the form of e-books, technical documents are particularly suited to e-book delivery because they can be searched electronically" for keywords. In addition, for programming manuals, sample code can be copied. [6] The volume of electronic book reading is increasing in the United States. In 2014, 28% of adults had read an e-book, up from 23% in 2013; In 2014, 50% of American adults had an e-reader or tablet, compared to 30% who had such devices in 2013 [7].

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